

Access to e-resources

NUP Library provides access to a wide spectrum of electronic resources. These resources can be electronic books, electronic journals, electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, and so on. They are provided to our Library through vendors that we annually subscribe to their services and therefore the access to these resources is controlled.


Regardless how you manage to find the resource of your interest, as well as the place from which you attempt to access it (including the Campus), in order to access it you have to insert your credentials. These credentials are active until you close your browser. We note that any student and faculty member of NUP has his/her own credentials, which is nothing else than the surname and the ID number of your Library card (see the red fields in the image below).

Therefore, once you find the resource that you want and click on it, you will be asked to give your credentials to the system. The screen will appear like below:

Then the resource will be “unlocked” and you will have access. There are cases that resources from EBSCO will ask you again for some kind of credentials. In that case, please contact the librarian to give you the details, which uniformly apply to each case of EBSCO resource.

Where to pay attention to?

You have to pay attention to the following issues:

  • to see if the Library has the resource you want, either it is a printed book, or an electronic resource.
  • to see if the subscription gives access to the years that you want. For instance you might want an article of 1985, but our subscription starts from year 2000.
  • to see if the vendor provides access to the full-text. Normally, all our vendors give access to the full text, but there are some resources in EBSCO that are only indexed by the service at the abstract level. This means that you will not have access to the full-text, but only to the abstract.

Tools Poster

Find all the relevant information about access to e-resources in the Discovery Tools poster.