[:en]Recognition of equivalence and correspondence of the Bachelor of Law of Neapolis University[:gr]Τέλος της αβεβαιότητας ως προς την αναγνώριση της ισοτιμίας και αντιστοιχίας του πτυχίου Νομικής του Νεάπολις

The Law School’s latest success – A student has earned a scholarship in Japan

September 11, 2017

Law School student Christina Konstantinou from Paphos, has been chosen by the Japanese Program MIRAI to visit Japan with a scholarship and to participate this October, with another 84 students from all over the world, in special seminars and educational activities on matters related to politics, history, economy and diplomatic affairs of modern Japan. They deserve congratulations on this success.

The “MIRAI” program is a pioneering initiative of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which in cooperation with local embassies around the world, chooses Universities to work with in selecting students with outstanding performances and who are interested in Japan’s International role.

Neapolis University’s Law School was chosen to participate in the MIRAI program in 2017. We anticipate that this cooperation with the Japanese Foreign Ministry and the Japanese embassy will continue with further activities in the future.


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