[:en]Successful participation of the Faculty of Law of the Neapolis University in Cyprus at the ThessisMUN contest[:gr]Συμμετοχή Φοιτητών της Νομικής Σχολής του Νεάπολις

Successful participation of the Faculty of Law of the Neapolis University at the ThessisMUN contest

May 15, 2019

The Faculty of Law of Neapolis University in Cyprus congratulates its 3-member mission, for their successful participation at the ThessisMUN (Model of the United Nations Modeling) contest, which took place from May 1 to May 5 in Thessaloniki. The competition was attended by students from law schools and other schools in Greece, who competed in international law issues within various UN committees, each representing a country. In particular, the law students who participated are: Konstantinos Poulios (1 year student), Athanasios Tsiftsis (2-year student) who was also selected as Secretary General at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for ThessISMUN2020 and Federico Wang (2-year student). The mission was supervised by the assistant professor of public international law Mr. Thomas-Nektarios Papanastasiou. Furthermore, a specialized team will be created in order to participate in similar competitions in Cyprus, Greece and abroad.


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