Zach Anthis


Lecturer Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA)


Zach is a pure mathematician admittedly turned computer scientist. He holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics with integrated MSc in Quantitative Methods, from the Department of Culture, Communication, and Media at University College London (UCL). He received a Full Doctoral Scholarship from the Centre of Digital Innovation (powered by Amazon) and an Expert Research Area (ERA) Chair Fellowship from the European Commission. He also holds honorary teaching positions as Teaching Fellow for the UCL Knowledge Lab and Visiting Lecturer for the Department of Management Science at the University of Miami (Herbert Business School). He has previously worked as a Senior Researcher for the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Informatics (EECEI) at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and an Associate Lecturer in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics for the Department of Computing at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAn Cyprus). In 2016 he was appointed as Director of Education and EU Programmes Office at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). He has formerly served as a reviewer in a range of scientific journals from various academic disciplines, such as International Journal of Human and Computer Studies (IJHCS), IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Operational Research International Journal (ORIJ), etc.