Bachelor of Law (LLB)

The Bachelor of Law (LLB) programme has been offered since September 2012 (official recognition by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus and recognition as equivalent by DOATAP’s decision 10.12.2012 no. 13300/2012). The current curriculum is uniform and is based on Cypriot and Greek law.



240 ECTS






The Law School awards LLB, equitable and respective of the University level four-year law schools. The duration of studies is eight semesters of full time study. Each semester consists of 13 weeks of instruction and 39 hours of instruction per course.

The program launched on 9.1.12 (formal recognition of the Cyprus Ministry of Education and recognition as equivalent of DOATAP –  decision 12.10.2012 no. 13300/2012). The original scheme was amended following the decision No. 169 / 22.06.2015 of the Plenary DOATAP removing the Greek law direction, which was until then part of the curriculum. The new modified program is effective from the academic year 2015/2016.

The single legal studies program comprises 26 required courses, one compulsory selection course and 16 electives. Students are required to complete, during their studies, at least 240 credits in order to graduate.

Being the first among the Law Schools of Cyprus, to offer a single curriculum based on the Cyprus law (Anglo-Saxon law) complies fully with the provisions of both the Greek and Cypriot law and with the decisions of the Cypriot Authorities, under whose supervision belongs. At the same time, it responds to the European principles, in terms of academic and professional recognition and comparability of qualifications of Legal Studies (calculating credit courses, length of study, student evaluation, learning process, etc.) within the European Union.

Moreover, the curriculum gives the possibility to students coming from Greece and wishing to choose from the mandatory courses, as an alternative curriculum, the syllabus of Greek law.

It is also noted that the syllabus required in order for the student to enroll as a trainee lawyer in the Bar Associations of Greece and the Legal Counsel of Cyprus is fully covered,


General Objectives of the modified Program

Bachelor-of-Law-LLB-Neapolis-University-in-cyprusThe Legal Studies Program aims inter alia to familiarize the students during the four-year course with the “principles” and the basic concepts governing the Legal System of Cyprus, together with that of Greece. The main advantage of the program is that the student comes into contact with the two main families of law, the Anglo-Saxon (Cyprus) and the mainland (Greece).

Thus, the student is initiated into comparative method and can understand the developments resulting from the ongoing internationalization of law. Particular emphasis is given to the international and European legal education, which should characterize a modern legal expert, while ensuring that the academic knowledge of law is accompanied by the appropriate practical experience on its application.
The program of Law is aimed at students who either enrolled in the first year as high school graduates or are already graduates of other recognized academic disciplines and seek to acquire and graduate degree in law from Neapolis University, through the recognition of a certain number of courses from their previous studies (with a maximum of 60 credits), if the recognized courses share a cognitive link between them, provided that their studies in Law last at least three academic years.

Degrees, professionally equivalent to practicing law in Greece or in Cyprus

Specific and ultimate goals of the modified Curriculum

The Student:

  • Is Equipped with the necessary, basic, knowledge and the necessary methodological tools to understand and be able to correctly interpret the case-law and legislative texts. While learning to distinguish the admission and influence in the Greek and Cypriot legal system of the European Union law and international law.
  • Learns from the first year of the production process, application and interpretation of law.
  • understands the political and social issues affecting the adoption, implementation and interpretation of the law.
  • Learns to investigate legal sources and interpret the adoptive law rules on a systematic and methodical way.
  • familiarizes themselves with the rules and secrets of legal thinking as the forensic reasoning of judicial decisions and, most importantly, is exercised to being able to articulate, write and speak, legal arguments and to develop legal reasoning.
  • •Finally, is equipped with all the necessary legal skills to be able to monitor and participate, as an agent of the proceedings in litigation, draw up documents and defend arguments with the legal opinion in any kind of legal controversies or disputes.
  • The former cognitive and methodological equipment ensures the ability to a career as a future combatant lawyer, legal adviser in the private and public sectors, judge, official in an international organization, academia, etc.

(Cypriot and Greek, continental and Anglo-Saxon)


(academic year 2015/2016 onwards)

The single legal studies program comprises 26 required courses, one compulsory course selection and 16 electives. Each required course is equivalent to 6 credits, except for five courses, corresponding to 5 credits. Convenient public law and private law corresponding to 6 credits. But alongside traditions, students of both courses have the opportunity to observe trials, to participate in competitions virtual trial, additional seminars etc. and credited additional two credits. The practical issues of public law and private law correspond to 6 credits. But alongside teaching classes, students of both courses have the opportunity to observe trials, to participate in competitions of virtual trial, additional seminars etc. and to be credited with two additional credits. Each course of compulsory selection and elective course correspond to 5 credits. The teaching of the course lasts 13 weeks per semester, covering a total of 39 hours of instruction. To facilitate the professional recognition of their diploma in Greece, students have the opportunity to attend 18 of the 26 required courses with alternative curricula in Greek law. Students are required to complete at least 240 credits in order to graduate, as shown in the following table:


Type of courses Number of courses Credits of courses Credits in total
Required Courses 26 5*5+19*6+2*8 155
Course of compulsory selection 1 1*5=5 5
Elective courses 16 16*5= 80 80


  • During the last years of study the offered procedural courses (civil, criminal and administrative procedure) and the practical issues of private, public, criminal and commercial law give the student an opportunity to summarize their knowledge through internships.
  • During teaching all modern online media offered by digital technology are exploited, for the better and easier consolidation of the curriculum (PowerPoint, Moodle, e-conference, online tests, etc.). The teaching is not intended, as usually happens, to the mechanical transmission of legal knowledge ex cathedra. It aims at fostering the student with the capacity to develop legal reasoning, formulate legal arguments interpreting the right rules of law and above all to prepare legal documents.
  • Finally the successful completion of legal studies program requires the student to participate in the learning process with personal and systematic work at home or in the library. Active personal involvement also equips the student with the ability to work alone, researching literature and legal sources and to acquire knowledge beyond that offered by the teacher and textbook.


In order to be admitted into the Bachelor of Law (LLB), candidates must possess a Secondary School Certificate with a grade no less than 14/20 or equivalent, or an International Baccalaureate Diploma with at least 26 points, or any other equivalent secondary education diploma. The general admission criteria are based on the type and quality of previous studies, the grade obtained in previous studies and the suitability of the candidate for the programme of study that has been applied for.

A student who applies for the programme should submit the following documents:

  • Application form
  • ID/Passport copy
  • Secondary School Leaving Certificate
  • English language certificate
  • Two passport photos

English language requirements

Satisfactory knowledge of English is essential. The minimum language requirement is a B1 certificate in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages scale or any other equivalent degree. In the absence of such a certificate/degree, candidates will be asked to sit English language exams in order to prove their satisfactory knowledge.

The minimum English language requirements are:

  • TOEFL – a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer-based) or 80 (internet based) in the TOEFL test.
  • IELTS – The British Council/University of Cambridge Local Syndicate’s test of Academic English, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a composite score in the range of 6-6.5.
  • GCE O Level English Language at Grade C or above.
  • GCSE English language at Grade C or above.
  • CSE Grade 1 Pass in English.
  • Hong Kong Certificate of Education, English Language Syllabus B, Grade C or better.
  • A pass in the Use of English examinations administered by bodies as listed under GCE Examination Board.
  • A pass in the Oxford Examining Body’s English as a Foreign Language (Higher Paper).
  • A pass in English in the Joint Matriculation Board (JMB) Test in English (Overseas) examination.
  • Matriculation examinations from European countries where English is presented as a subject and an acceptable level is achieved.
  • One of the following other University of Cambridge ESOL exams:
  • a grade C or higher on a Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
  • grade A on a Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

After admission, candidates may be required to take additional instruction in English language.


The University reserves its right to define the electives offered on an academic year basis.

The programme structure may change without prior notice, as a result of quality assurance procedures or/and programme recertification.


Register your interest and one of our admissions consultants will contact you with guidance and additional information.


Petros Michaelides

Professor in International Protection of Human Rights

He studied Law, Political and Economic Science at Athens University (1958-1963) and pursued Doctoral work in constitutional law and political sciences at Paris University (1965-1967).

Georgios D. Pavlidis

Associate Professor Of Private International Law & European Law

Jean Monnet Chair


Coordinator in Greek Law

Dr. Georgios Pavlidis is Associate Professor of Private International Law & European Law at the School of Law of Neapolis University in Cyprus. Since 2020, he is holder of a Jean Monnet Chair funded by the European Union (Project: “Tracing Criminal Assets in the European Union”).

Thomas Nektarios Papanastasiou

Associate Professor of International Economic Law - Law of International Organizations and Law of Energy

Coordinator of the Distance LLM (DLLM) in International & European Business Law

Director of the Legal Clinic

Thomas-Nektarios Papanastasiou is an Associate Professor of International Economic Law - Law of International Organizations and Law of Energy. He holds a doctorate (PhD), specialized in International Investment Law and a Master’s degree (MA) in International Relations...

George Demetriades

Assistant Professor in International Trade Law - Banking Law - Competition Law

Coordinator of the Master (MA) in Financial Crime and Criminal Justice

Dr. George Demetriades graduated with a law degree (LLB Law) from the University of Leicester in 2007. Later on, he joined the College of Law (Birmingham) for the Bar Vocational Course...

Artemis Savvidou

Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

Coordinator in Cypriot Law

Dr. Artemis D. Savvidou is a Lecturer in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of Law School in NEAPOLIS University, Paphos since September 2013.....
Eleni Gavriil

Eleni Gavriil

Lecturer in International Economic Law and Human Rights

Dr Eleni Gavriil holds a Ph.D. from the European Law and Governance School of the European Public Law Organization. She obtained her LL.B. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and her LL.M. in International and European Business Law....

Giorgos Meramveliotakis

Assistant Professor of Economic Theory and Policy

Coordinator of the Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Coordinator of the MSc in European Politics & Governance

He has an extensive teaching experience at the University of Crete, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the University of Roehampton and the University of Liverpool...

Nikoletta Konstantinou

Special Teaching Staff

Nicoletta K. Konstantinou graduated with a law degree (LLB Law) from City University London in 2006. She was awarded her Master of Laws (LLM ) in Corporate/Commercial Law from University College London in 2007....

Giannis Mpekas

Dean of Law

Professor in Criminal Law

Professor Dr. Giannis Mpekas is Member of the Teaching Staff of the Law School in NEAPOLIS University Pafos, (Criminal Law) since September 2020.....

Ioannis Gkountis

Visiting Lecturer in Criminal Law

Scientific Staff in Criminal Law

Dr. Ioannis Gkountis is Member of the Teaching Staff of the Law School in NEAPOLIS University Pafos, (Visiting Lecturer – Criminal Law) since September 2020.....
Manthos Mattheou

Manthos Mattheou

Visiting Professor

Prior to his appointment as the Head of the Litigation Department of Michael Kyprianou & Co L. L. C. in Paphos, Manthos Mattheou had served as a District and Senior District Court Judge for 21 consecutive years...
A recognised degree is awarded allowing registration of the graduates as trainees in the Bar Associations of Greece and in the Legal Council of Cyprus.