BSc in Psychology

The general objective of the BSc in Psychology is to enhance understanding of behaviour and mental processes and to examine their mutual connection within the fields of biology and social sciences. This general objective is translated into specific objectives that concern the understanding of scientific methodology, the current state of psychological knowledge, and the application of both methodology and knowledge to real-world problems.



240 ECTS





The Bachelor of Science (BSc) program in Psychology focuses on the study of the physiological and divergent pattern of human behavior.

Aims of the Psychology Programme 

The program in particular, aims at the following:

  • Promoting students’ understanding of cognitive and emotional processes involved in a wide range of behavioral responses.
  • Familiarize students with behavioral assessment techniques and the application of theoretical principles for behavior modification.
  • Develop sensitivity to connections between depth of theory and width of application.
  • Familiarize students and provide basic knowledge for all the core fields of Psychology, such as Clinical Psychology, Counselling, Developmental Psychology, Psychopathology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Statistics, Research Methods, Organizational Psychology, Health Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychology of Language, Educational Psychology, Forensic Psychology and other specialized courses.
  • Applying acquired knowledge and skills within a wide range of professional occupations.
  • Develop skills related to critical thinking and autonomous learning.
  • Develop communication, and teamwork skills.
  • Critically assess and evaluate scientific documents such as journal articles.
  • Develop critical understanding of scientific methodology.
  • Ability to write scientific reports using APA standards


Upon completing the program, graduates are expected to be able to:

  • Understand the cognitive and emotional processes that govern human experience and behavior
  • Understand in depth the fundamental principles of psychology and the width of application
  • Understand and be able to apply psychological theories to help solve behavioral problems
  • Develop critical thinking, give scientific explanations and acquire further skills such as academic writing
  • Critically understand scientific texts and scientific methodology
  • Understand and analyze arguments, and be able to detect weaknesses in reasoning
  • Write scientific reports using APA standards
  • Learn how to discuss, explain, and apply the knowledge and skills they acquired to achieve high professional goals.


The Programme covers the main disciplines of Psychology and its structure includes the following five components:

  • Content Specific Courses (Core Courses)
  • General Education Courses
  • Elective Courses
  • Thesis (optional)
  • Practical Training

The graduates of our programme will acquire in-depth knowledge in a wide range of topics in Psychology. They will also be able to apply this knowledge to benefit individuals and society. Finally, they will develop the necessary skills to work in various professional roles, such as counselling or social work services, working with people with disabilities, providing individual or family therapy and support, as well as advise organizations in practical issues such as improvement of the work environment. The Core Curriculum of the BSc Programme includes Level I (breadth) and Level II (depth) core courses in the major areas of Psychology, such as Cognitive, Developmental, Clinical, Counselling, Social and Educational Psychology. It also includes advanced courses in Adult Psychopathology, Neuropsychology, the Biological Bases of Behaviour and Research Methodology and Statistics. The purpose of the General Education courses is to ensure that every graduate of the Department of Psychology acquires scientific knowledge and skills in areas beyond his/her chosen field of study, which are appropriate for a university-educated person (computer skills, academic writing, foreign languages, etc.). Students must also complete a necessary number from free Elective Courses depending on their needs and interests (e.g., sports psychology, introduction to business, criminology, introduction to computer science) offered by the Department of Psychology and other Departments of the University. The opportunity to pursue a Thesis is given to BSc students during the semesters 7 and 8 of their study. The BSc in Psychology from Neapolis University Pafos promotes three important dimensions, that is, theory, research and practice, on which it places equal importance. A wide range of teaching resources is used in order to promote the learning objectives∙ these include lectures, seminars and the usage of audiovisual material. The active involvement of students in the learning process is particularly encouraged.



Compulsory courses 192
Elective courses
(a) Courses of specialization
(b) General Education courses / Free Electives
General Education  24
Free Electives 12
Dissertation(Optional: in place of two courses) 12
Practical Training 12
TotalECTS 240

For a Detail Course Descriptions click here



CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC100Introduction to PsychologyCompulsory6
PSYC101Developmental Psychology ICompulsory6
PSYC119Educational PsychologyCompulsory6
GEED110Introduction to SociologyGeneral Education6
GEED113Composing and Presenting Assignments in PsychologyGeneral Education3
GEED112Computer Skills for Social sciencesGeneral Education3


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC102Social Psychology ICompulsory6
PSYC109School PsychologyCompulsory6
PSYC203Theories of Personality Compulsory6
BUSN104Principles of MarketingGeneral Education6
GEED111Special EducationGeneral Education3
LCS01Language for ScienceGeneral Education3


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC105Counselling Psychology ICompulsory6
PSYC107Research Methods in PsychologyCompulsory6
PSYC201Developmental Psychology IICompulsory6
PSYC208Learning Difficulties & Special EducationCompulsory6
Elective Course (1 of the following courses)
BUSN302Consumer BehaviorFree Electives6
CS111Introduction to Computer ScienceFree Electives6
NOM262CriminologyFree Electives6
CSE11Human Computer Interaction Free Electives6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC106Clinical Psychology ICompulsory6
PSYC108Cognitive PsychologyCompulsory6
PSYC202Social Psychology IICompulsory6
PSYC207Developmental PsychopathologyCompulsory6
Elective Course (1 of the following courses)
BUSN100Introduction to BusinessFree Elective6
PSYC212History & Philosophy of PsychologyFree Elective6
PSYC310Sports PsychologyFree Elective6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC205Counseling Psychology IICompulsory6
PSYC302Industrial and Organizational PsychologyCompulsory6
PSYC303Psychological MeasurementCompulsory6
PSYC305Biological Bases of BehaviorCompulsory6
PSYC408Cognitive Psychology ΙΙCompulsory6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC206Clinical Psychology IICompulsory6
PSYC209Forensic Psychology Compulsory6
PSYC210Diversity & Multicultural Issues Compulsory6
PSYC315Experiencing Psychological Research ICompulsory6
PSYC320Statistics in Social Sciences ΙCompulsory6


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC316Experiencing Psychological Research IICompulsory6
PSYC321Statistics in Social Sciences ΙΙCompulsory6
PSYC403Psychology of LanguageCompulsory6
Psychology of Sexuality / or
Dissertation Ι


CodeCourse titleCourse typeECTS
PSYC402Health Psychology Compulsory6
PSYC410Adult PsychopathologyCompulsory6
Psychology of Reading / or
Dissertation ΙI
PSYC430Practical Training Compulsory12


Candidates for the Psychology Programme must be graduates of secondary education from an accredited institution, and they must have a good knowledge of English. The University uses various forms of assessment of competency in English.


The University reserves its right to define the electives offered on an academic year basis.

The programme structure may change without prior notice, as a result of quality assurance procedures or/and programme recertification.


Register your interest and one of our admissions consultants will contact you with guidance and additional information.


Marios Argyrides

Professor in Counseling Psychology

Head of the Department of Psychology

Marios Argyrides is an Professor in the Department of Psychology at Neapolis University and a Licensed Psychologist in Cyprus. He received a PhD in 2006 in Counseling Psychology from Tennessee State University...

Savvas Chatzichristofis

Professor of Artificial Intelligence

Head of the Department of Computer Science

Coordinator of the Bachelor in Applied Computer Science

Savvas A. Chatzichristofis pursued the Diploma and the Ph.D. degree (with honors) both from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece...

Andreas Masouras

Associate Professor in Communication and Marketing

Coordinator of the Distance MBA Program (English), Conventional MBA Program, and MBA in Tourism

Dr Andreas Masouras is Associate Professor at Neapolis University in the fields of Marketing and Communication. He holds a PhD (Honors) from the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese...

Marilena Mousoulidou

Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology

Coordinator of BSc in Psychology

Marilena Mousoulidou is an Assistant Professor in Cognitive Psychology. She received her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Leicester, UK (2010) and her BSc in Psychology from the University of Derby, UK (2004)...

Andri Christodoulou

Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Coordinator of MSc in Counselling Psychology

Director of the Counselling Center for Research and Psychological Services (SKEPSI)

Dr. Andri Christodoulou is the Director of the Counseling Center for Research and Psychological Services (SKEPSI) and a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology in the graduate Counseling Psychology program at Neapolis University of Pafos...

Christiana Koundourou

Lecturer in Special Needs

Coordinator of MSc in Educational Psychology (Conventional and Distance)

Director of the Center of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (CE.S.E.N.D)

Christiana Koundourou is a lecturer in Special Needs, in the School of Social Sciences, at Neapolis University in Paphos. She holds an Undergraduate Degree in Special Educational Needs from...

Constantina Zamba

Lecturer in Counselling Psychology

Dr. Constantina Zamba is a registered Counselling Psychologist and a Lecturer in Counseling Psychology at the Department of Psychology, School of Health Sciences at Neapolis University Pafos....

Lina Efthyvoulou

Lecturer in Counselling Psychology

Dr Lina Efthyvoulou is a registered Chartered Counselling Psychologist, a Lecturer in Counselling Psychology and Supervisor at the Department of Psychology, School of Health Sciences, Neapolis University Pafos.

Glykeria Reppa

Lecturer in Educational Psychology

Glykeria Reppa is a lecturer in Educational Psychology at Neapolis University Pafos. She has studied Psychology (European University of Cyprus) and Physical Education and Sports Science...

Artemis-Margarita Griva

Lecturer in Social Psychology

Artemis-Margarita Griva received a PhD in 2014 in Social Psychology from Panteion University, Athens, Greece, and an MSc in 2009 in Social and Intercultural Psychology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium...

Artemis Savvidou

Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

Coordinator in Cypriot Law

Dr. Artemis D. Savvidou is a Lecturer in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of Law School in NEAPOLIS University, Paphos since September 2013.....
Strong BSc programme in Psychology enriched with courses that provide robust academic knowledge, skills, practice and research in the field.