Georgios Dafoulas


Visiting Professor


Dr Georgios (George) Dafoulas, is a Professor of Information Systems and Business Computing. He has led more than twenty externally funded projects and participated in many more as a co-investigator. He has been successful in attracting funding at national and international level and managing projects as a principal investigator, project manager and work package coordinator. He has worked with a wide range of funding bodies including EU programmes (frameworks, Erasmus+, Capacity Building in Higher Education, Tempus, Socrates, Minerva), British Council, JISC, US’s NSF, AUNP, ERDF, EPSRC, ESRC, and the DTI. His published works include six books and learning guides, as well as more than 150 research papers in refereed journals and peer-reviewed international conferences, mainly in the fields of information systems, computer-supported cooperative work, e-learning, educational technologies and human issues in software engineering. He is also well known for his expertise in applications of digital technology in education and business, while his work on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship pioneered knowledge transfer initiatives in more than twenty countries.