Closing Ceremony of International Autumn University

October 8, 2012

The First International Autumn University took place in Paphos, from 23 to 30 September 2012. The opening ceremony was held Sunday, September 23. The Autumn University opened its work with the speech member of the European Parliament Eleni Theocharous on the subject “A European solution to the Cyprus Problem”.

The seminars and classes where taught by distinguished professors, academics and scientists from Europe, the Middle East, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey.

The program aimed students and young scientists with a special interest in political science, international relations, economics, diplomacy and general social sciences, officers of the diplomatic service, public administration, armed forces, security forces, the local and special parts of the private sector concerning the thematic security modules, external and international policy.

There was a variety of topics, such as: The Cyprus Problem, Security and Climate Change, Globalization, International Law and Protection of Human Rights, Transnational Conflicts, Greek-Turkish conflict, Arab Spring and the Middle East.

The main conclusions drawn from the First International Autumn University held inNeapolis University in Cyprus where divided into three categories. First, the general conclusion that the world situation is extremely worrying and the international turmoil linear course of international policy creates conditions for international insecurity at all levels, including the economic, social and political. Second, the Middle East and the Mediterranean is particularly troubled and exceedingly insecure, mainly because of the so called Arab Spring that brought structural changes in the region. Thirdly, in regards to the Cypriot and Greek-Turkish, the concern of all was the fear from a possible threatening Turkeys.

The work of the First International Autumn ended Sunday, September 30, 2012. The Minister of Foreign Dr.Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis aworded in a solemn ceremony in the Metoxi of Kykkos Monastery in Nicosia, the diploma of  successful participation to graduate students and doctoral candidates who participated in seminar program.

This program is one of the many academic activities implemented under the cooperation of Neapolis University in Cyprus with the University of Social and Political Sciences and the University of the Aegean. The actions of the three Universities include joint postgraduate programs, research activities, further training and education programs.


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