Neapolis University Pafos (NUP) Support Against CV19

March 24, 2020

Neapolis University Pafos (NUP) following its longstanding policy of continuously providing and supporting the local community with its available academic and technological resources, is coming at a difficult time to assist and enhance the efforts of the Republic of Cyprus and Local Authorities to reduce consequences of the pandemic on the Cypriot people.

In this context, NUP has created two new services, designed by the Counselling Center for Research and Psychological Support (SKEPSI) and the Intelligent Systems Information Technology Lab. Both initiatives are supported by NUP staff and active members of its academic community.

The aim is to support and provide assistance, without any charge, to the Hospital staff (public and private) as well as in the student and educational community of the Pafos region, respectively.

More specifically:

  1. Α specific support line of the Counselling Center for Research and Psychological Support (SKEPSI) has been established, addressed to all the medical, paramedical, administrative and the rest of staff of all public and private Hospitals in the Pafos district.The purpose of the support line is to provide psychological support concerning the issues arising from the pandemic of the Corona Virus and any side effects the pandemic has on people everyday lives.The counsellors of the line serve the callers under the strict supervision of the Department of Psychology of Neapolis University and treat each caller with the utmost professionalism. The counsellors also treat each call confidentially and never ask for personal information.
    • The working hours of the support line are: MONDAY to SUNDAY 08:00 – 20:00
    • The communication number is:  96-417024
  2. The NUP Department of Informatics and the NUP Intelligent Systems Information Technology Lab have created a new website to support pupils and teachers, functioning as a remote technical support for participants.A group of Department teachers, in collaboration with PhD candidates and undergraduate students, will provide remote assistance to Pafos pupils and teachers, who are experiencing technical difficulties connecting and interacting with the platform.The platform was designed to provide remote technical support to pupils and teachers on the installation and use of distance learning applications used by the public educational system within the distance teaching process.Neapolis Pafos University possessing a full experience from the provision of its e- learning Programmes, has the adequate know – who to assist towards the smooth use and operation of pupils’ distance teaching process.


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