Ph.D. in Psychology

The PhD in Psychology aims for students to go through rigorous, in-depth scientific research. As part of this research process, the programme encourages student participation in the activities of a number of relevant  Departments, Schools, or organised research units of the University. The fields of interest are usually, but not limited to, Clinical, Counselling, Cognitive, Experimental, Educational, Developmental Psychology or Neuropsychology.







The Ph.D. programme in Psychology aims to train future researchers in the field of Psychology. The programme focuses on developing the necessary skills for graduates to become independent researchers at the post-doctoral level. The programme comprises several areas of specialization; however, candidates will have to propose projects within the specialist areas within the supervisor’s fields of expertise.
Doctoral students are expected to design and execute an independent original research project and produce a Dissertation. Through their research project, students are expected to provide significant evidence of an original contribution to knowledge, develop or apply innovative research or intervention methods, and consequently, advance scientific knowledge in an area of Psychology.

Specific aims of the programme are for students to:

  • Develop an in-depth understanding and critical analysis of current literature and research methodology in the field of Psychology.
  • Enhance their research skills and facilitate the development of expertise relevant to their research specialization area.
  • Educate students on disseminating research findings through publishing in academic journals and presenting their work in academic conferences and seminars.
  • Prepare students to conduct high-quality and internationally recognized independent research.


After completing the Programme, students should be able to:

O1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of a specific field of Psychology and mastery of the skills and research methodology associated with that field.

O2. Demonstrate the ability to conceive, design, implement and adapt an actual research process with scholarly and ethical integrity.

O3. Have made a contribution through original research that extends the frontier of knowledge by developing a substantial body of work, some of which merits national or international refereed publication.

O4. Be capable of critically analysing, evaluating, and constructing new and complex ideas.

O5. Be capable of communicating with their peers, the larger scholarly community, and with society in general about their areas of expertise through, for example, conferences presentations, seminars, lectures, and research articles.

O6. Be able to promote technological, social, or cultural advancement in the field of psychology within academic and professional contexts.

O7. Be knowledgeable and able to follow the research code of ethics in the field of Psychology.


The Ph.D. programme comprises two distinct but complementary components that run throughout the duration of the course, although with varying degrees of importance. The training component of the Ph.D. programme is designed to provide the student with research skills that would allow them to a) become an effective and independent researcher b) fill gaps in the knowledge of their field of chosen research c) expose them to good practice regarding the writing of high-quality academic manuscripts and the publishing research process and d) to prepare them for a research/teaching career.
In the programme's first year, equal emphasis is placed on research and training as preparation and skill development exercises. In the second and third years, more emphasis is placed on the research aspect and the completion of the thesis.


Course CodeCourse NameCourse TypeECTS
PSY900Quantitative Research Methodology and StatisticsCore7.5
PSY901Qualitative Research Core7.5
PSY902Faculty Research InvolvementCore15


Course CodeCourse NameCourse TypeECTS
PSY903Advanced Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics Core7.5
PSY904Advanced Qualitative ResearchCore7.5
PSY905Research Stage ICore7.5
PSY906First Year Progress ReportCore7.5


Course CodeCourse NameCourse TypeECTS
PSY910Research Day SeminarCore7.5
CS355Computational Numerical AnalysisCore7.5
PSY911Research Stage IICore7.5
See ListElective courseElective7.5


Course CodeCourse NameCourse TypeECTS
PSY912Second Year Progress Report - Presentation Core15
PSY913Research Stage IIICore15


Course CodeCourse NameCourse TypeECTS
PSY920Write-up ICore30


Course CodeCourse NameCourse TypeECTS
PSY921Write-up IICore30
  • CS353 – Image Processing
  • CS355 – Computational Numerical Analysis
  • CS362 - Artificial Intelligence
  • CSE304 – Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
  • CSE06 – Game Development
  • CSE11 – Human Computer Interaction
  • CSE05 – Data Science and Big Data
  • BUSN302 – Consumer Behaviour
  • MPS525 – Educational Leadership and Management of Human Resources
  • MPA604 – Counselling and Communication in Education
  • MPA605 – administration and Management in the School Unit
  • MPA606 – Design and Development of Analytical Curricula
  • MBA580 – Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
The Ph.D. programme is structured to help students develop research skills and become effective and productive researchers from an early stage.


The Programme is aimed primarily at graduates with a Master’s degree in the field of Psychology. The general admission criteria are based on the type and quality of previous studies, the grade obtained in previous studies, and the candidate’s suitability for this programme.

The University’s admission policy is to make admission offers to applicants who are judged to have the background and abilities to have a reasonable expectation of success in the programme. The Programme Coordinator will be actively involved in the review of applications, and his approval will be required before admitting any student to the programme.

Submission of applications takes place once a year. The call of applications is published in the daily press, the University website, and other web pages. Apart from having a Master’s degree in the field of psychology preferably, the Ph.D. candidates should fill in an application form and submit the necessary documents (see below).

The application shall be accompanied by the following:

    • University Application form
    • ID/Passport copy
    • Secondary School Leaving Certificate
    • Bachelor’s degree and transcript
    • Master’s degree and transcript
    • Two reference letters
    • English language certificate
    • Personal statement (up to 500 words)
    • Research proposal which should:
      • Not exceed eight pages (including bibliography)
      • Conceptualize the research project, the objectives as well as how the Ph.D. thesis will contribute to scholarship
      • Describe the methodology and the relevant research tools, which will be used.
    • Two passport photos


Register your interest and one of our admissions consultants will contact you with guidance and additional information.


Marios Argyrides

Professor in Counseling Psychology

Head of the Department of Psychology

Marios Argyrides is an Professor in the Department of Psychology at Neapolis University and a Licensed Psychologist in Cyprus. He received a PhD in 2006 in Counseling Psychology from Tennessee State University...

Andri Christodoulou

Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Coordinator of MSc in Counselling Psychology

Director of the Counselling Center for Research and Psychological Support (SKEPSI)

Dr. Andri Christodoulou is the Director of the Counseling Center for Research and Psychological Services (SKEPSI) and a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology in the graduate Counseling Psychology program at Neapolis University of Pafos...

Christiana Koundourou

Lecturer in Special Needs

Coordinator of MSc in Educational Psychology (Conventional and Distance)

Director of the Center of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (CE.S.E.N.D)

Christiana Koundourou is a lecturer in Special Needs, in the School of Social Sciences, at Neapolis University in Paphos. She holds an Undergraduate Degree in Special Educational Needs from...

Constantina Zamba

Lecturer in Counselling Psychology

Dr. Constantina Zamba is a registered Counselling Psychologist and a Lecturer in Counseling Psychology at the Department of Psychology, School of Health Sciences at Neapolis University Pafos....

Glykeria Reppa

Lecturer in Educational Psychology

Glykeria Reppa is a lecturer in Educational Psychology at Neapolis University Pafos. She has studied Psychology (European University of Cyprus) and Physical Education and Sports Science...

Lina Efthyvoulou

Lecturer in Counselling Psychology

Dr Lina Efthyvoulou is a registered Chartered Counselling Psychologist, a Lecturer in Counselling Psychology and Supervisor at the Department of Psychology, School of Health Sciences, Neapolis University Pafos.

Marilena Mousoulidou

Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology

Coordinator of BSc in Psychology

Marilena Mousoulidou is an Assistant Professor in Cognitive Psychology. She received her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Leicester, UK (2010) and her BSc in Psychology from the University of Derby, UK (2004)...
A PhD programme which offers our graduates all the necessary skills to follow a research-based academic path in their chosen field of psychology.