Traveling and Studying in Europe
As an Erasmus Student, you will have the great chance to travel and study at a European University that has an Inter–institutional agreement with Neapolis University Pafos. Students of Neapolis who wish to participate in the Erasmus Program should easily find information in our website or contact the Erasmus Office. The students must be at the 2nd or 3rd year of their studies, postgraduate students in their 2nd semester, and can spend 2 to 12 months studying at one of our partner institutions in Europe. This period of studying will be credited through the ECTS System (European Credit Transfer System).
PhD students can participate for a shorter period of time, from 5-30 days. A necessary condition is that the short-term mobility must give at least 3 ECTS and must include an online part.
Blended mobility is allowed, i.e. remote mobility combined with physical mobility (minimum duration of physical mobility 2 months maximum 12 months) for participants who fall under the categories of people with fewer opportunities or for participation in Blended Intensive Programmes, BIP’s
The benefits of the Erasmus Program
As an Erasmus Student you will enhance your experiences and you will have lots of fun.
There are several benefits that you can gain as an Erasmus student
Visit other countries, Universities and get acquainted with other educational systems
Return back more motivated, independent and confident
This studying period counts towards your degree
Acquire a range of life skills
Improve your language skills
Achieve an international network of friends
Discover different cultures and meet new people
How does it work?
To be eligible to become an Erasmus student you must be:
Studying in Europe and formally registered at NUP.
Be enrolled in your 2nd or 3rd year of studies.
Postgraduate students must be enrolled in the 2nd semester.
For a complete list of criteria and the process of mobility please read here
Where can I travel and study?
For the list with our partner institutions please contact the Erasmus Office.
Online Linguistic Support (OLS)
The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) supports language learning for Erasmus+ mobility participants. The OLS offers participants in Erasmus+ long-term mobility activities (Key Action 1) the opportunity to assess their skills in the foreign language(s) they will use to study, work or volunteer abroad. In addition, selected participants may follow an online language course to improve their competence.
All students participating in the Erasmus+ Program should self-assess in their language of instruction or in the spoken language of their host country through an online OLS assessment tool available at the EU Academy.
Students participating in mobility at universities in Greece where the language is Greek are excluded from the evaluation.
Students participating in mobility at universities in Greece where the language is Greek are excluded from the evaluation.
The tool is offered in all official languages: English, Bulgarian, French, German, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Irish (Gaelic), Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech and Finnish.
On their return, participants take a final assessment, which allows them to assess the progress they have made during their time abroad.
For more information and for the available languages follow the link:
Cost of Living and Accommodation
Living costs are different from country to country. However, travelling abroad and studying at a European University as an Erasmus student is a wonderful opportunity and a really valuable experience. It is also great that many countries have a range of students’ discounts in order to make life more affordable.
The Erasmus Office at Neapolis University Pafos can help you with your accommodation in collaboration with the person in charge in the host university. It is essential for you to know that the sooner you apply for the Erasmus Program (regarding the deadlines), the easier you will find accommodation.
Students can contact the host university or search in websites that offer private housing
Tuition Fees
As an outgoing student you have to pay only the 85% of tuition fees to Neapolis University in Cyprus, for the duration of your mobility with Erasmus.
Funding of the Erasmus Student Mobility
The National Agency in each European country allocates a specific grand for students who travel abroad and participate in the Erasmus Program. Cyprus’ National Agency is the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes, in Nicosia ( )
The grand is set by the European Commission in Brussels and is different per country, depending on the cost of living. It is not intended to cover the full cost of studying abroad. However, it covers the largest amount.
Funding covers accommodation and food costs depending on the country of destination. If the trip is made to and from Cyprus airports, a travel allowance is given which is calculated based on the distance in kilometers between the sending and receiving universities.
The Learning Agreement
This is an essential document and must be completed before the student’s departure. Information on all documents and forms can be provided by the Erasmus office.
In the Learning Agreement the courses you intend to study at the host University are indicated and stated and it ensures that these courses are equivalent to the courses of your Program in Neapolis University Pafos. The applicant student for Erasmus mobility will receive a letter of acceptance from the Erasmus Committee of NUP. Then the student has to meet with the Erasmus Academic Advisor of the Department in order to proceed with the matching and selection of the courses that the student will study at the host University and the finalization of the Learning Agreement.
The Learning Agreement will be sent to the host Institution as it has to be signed by the Departmental and Institutional Erasmus Coordinator of the host institution, as well.
Application Deadlines
The Erasmus Application form must be submitted as follows:
- 31st of April – deadline for students who wish to study abroad during the Fall Semester
- 15th of November – deadline for students who wish to study abroad during the Spring Semester
Inform the Registry Office
Before going on your Erasmus Trip, you will have to notify your Registry Office in order to avoid having important implications on your academic status. The Registry Office is responsible to include the Erasmus Courses on your transcript when you come back from the host University. The results of the Erasmus courses will be written on your transcript as Pass or Fail (the grade will not appear on your transcript).
- ECTS Learning Agreement
- Erasmus Application Form
- Erasmus Student Charter