

Students’ Mobility

This program is open to all higher education students. Erasmus program offers a great chance to students of higher education to spend a study period at another University across Europe. More specifically Neapolis University Pafos has made a number of inter institutional agreements with the departments of other Universities. Students have the chance to receive a grand in order to accomplish their mobility. This grand will help them to offset their costs while studying in the other country. Those costs include their traveling, language lessons (OLS), and cost of living. The maximum monthly rates for students’ mobility are set per host country including travel expenses.  Full academic recognition for the study period carried out is ensured before departure using an ECTS Learning Agreement.

Contact for assistance & information

You can always contact the Erasmus Office for further details and questions

  • Mrs. Elena Trachana
    Institutional Erasmus Coordinator
    Office: 111
    Τel: 00357 26843500
    Email: [email protected]