

Students or Staff with Special Needs

Under the Erasmus+ Programme the European Commission aims at the inclusion of people with special needs in all the actions and activities of the Programme. The participation of students and staff with special needs in any of the actions is encouraged through the provision of further incentives. More specifically, beyond the financial support for the travel and subsistence provided for all the participant in mobility activities, people with special needs also have the opportunity to receive funding for any further expenses that may arise due to their special needs, such as expenses for an accompanying person, special equipment, special mobility requirements or special subsistence requirements etc.

Students or Staff with Special Needs can participate in the Erasmus program and they are eligible to get a higher European grant. Students and staff with special needs can get grant from other resources as well regarding local, regional and national level. Concerning the person who accompanies the student or the staff member with special needs, always has the right to get an additional grant based on real expenses.

Neapolis University has signed the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and this way commits to ensure equal opportunities and chances to the participants even if they have special needs. Students and staff with special needs can gain from the support services that the Host University offer to its students and staff.

Neapolis University can apply for such funding to the National Agency of Cyprus adding this extra budget heading in their application for Mobility Project. Consequently, interested students and staff with special needs should apply for additional funding to the Erasmus Offices of their Higher Education Institutions.

Mobility participants that receive additional funding for their special needs should submit receipts of their expenses to their Higher Education Institution upon return, as this is based on a real cost basis. Based on the supporting documents submitted, and as long as the expenses incurred are eligible, the final grant of the funding shall be decided.